Meco Reads - Issue 20 🚀

Ask better questions 🙋 Embrace AI 🦾 Find your optimal wealth 💰

Woohoo issue 20!

Welcome to the 178 new readers! This is your weekly round up of links, learnings and newsletters from the web, curated by the team at Meco - your app for reading and discovering newsletters.

Last Sunday I was seconds away from hitting send but I stopped myself. The newsletter had some interesting articles but it was rushed and certainly wasn't going to knock your socks off.

It got me thinking - how great the world would be if content creators committed to only posting quality content rather than always fighting to be front of mind. That world would look something like this:

My new pledge is to only hit send when I know you're going to love it. So hold on to your socks because this week's a goodun. We learn to ask better questions, ponder the ideal amount of wealth in life and venture into the downright bizarre with a story of a man who ate 40 rotisserie chickens in 40 days. Enjoy!


Business news that respects your time and intelligence.

The Daily Upside is a business newsletter that covers the most important stories in business in a style that's engaging, insightful, and fun. Started by a former investment banker, The Daily Upside delivers quality insights and surfaces unique stories you won't read elsewhere. Join for free today

đź“– 5 Great Reads

  • “How are you? = shallow conversation ❌

  • “I really want to know how you’re feeling” = deep conversation âś…

When you ask typical surface level questions, you’ll get typical surface level answers. Lee Suksi from Beside Magazine made it her mission to rid her life of painful small talk and learn to ask questions that would spark real connections. [Read more]

Having too little money can be detrimental, but is it possible to have too much? Would you trade places with Elon Musk if you inherited his work schedule along with his fortune? Jack Raines from Young Money newsletter explores the optimal amount of wealth in life. [Read more]

Reading doesn’t need to take up all of your time. Reading just 25 pages isn't a crazy commitment, but actually equates to:

  • 750 pages a month

  • Around 10,000 pages a year

  • That's approx 25 books a year

You could apply this to other areas of your life too, like reading newsletters! Just 5 newsletters a day is 1800 a year - imagine the learnings! 🧠

We all thought artificial intelligence (AI) would replace menial jobs first - we were wrong! AI is actually coming after writers, marketers, and coders. With big technological advancements there are always winners and losers, ensure you win by starting to leverage AI today. [Read more]

“What I do may sound extreme, but I’m trying to prove that self-harm and decay are not inevitable”

Bryan Johnson

Bryan Johnson, a middle-aged tech millionaire, is more than a year into his experiment called Project Blueprint. He has a strict diet, intense exercise regime, regimented sleep schedule and each month endures dozens of medical procedures, some quite extreme and painful. Along with his team of 30 doctors, Johnson is working on a plan to reboot his body. [Read more]

đź—ž 4 Fab Newsletters for You

  • Young Money - is the fastest growing finance & money newsletter on the planet right now! Self-proclaimed as 10/10 for stories and 5/10 for art - Young Money is the perfect weekly read at the intersection of money, opportunity costs, and human behaviour. [Learn more]

  • Important, Not Important - is science for people who give a shit! The “refreshingly snarky” newsletter helps you think deeply and act decisively about the world’s make or break science news, from climate to COVID, heat to hunger, and agriculture to AI ethics. [Learn more]

  • Chartr - is a beautifully designed data storytelling newsletter. You’ll get data-driven insights into business, tech, entertainment and society and only takes 5 minutes to read. [Learn more]

  • The Curiosity Chronicle - is for anyone interested in personal development, growth, productivity, wealth creation, and business. This twice-a-week newsletter by Sahil Bloom, investor, entrepreneur, and writer, is focused on providing actionable, tactical insights to immediately improve your life. [Learn more]

🤭 A Bit of Fun

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Much love, see you next time!

P.S. Remember to jump into the Meco app for more great reads and your favourite newsletters. [iOS & Web]

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